Convert GPS Waypoints and GPS Coordinates
Convert GPS Coordinates or Waypoints using our services. GPS Waypoint conversions from one GPS format to another different GPS waypoint format conversion is very common. We convert thousands of GPS Coordinates each season for hundreds of customers. If you have a personal list of fishing spots or waypoints that need to be converted to another waypoint format for a different GPS format or different GPS model, we can help. We utilize custom designed, professional GPS waypoint conversion Software to convert your GPS Coordinates to any format for most any device or GPS you own. See more below.
Finally, a service that converts your personal fishing waypoints and GPS coordinates format to work with other GPS formats and GPS models and other devices for you. This is not GPS Converting Software, we convert GPS coordinates FOR YOU using email to send and receive waypoint files from you, then back to you in the proper format for the GPS model you request. We can also place your waypoints on an SD card ready to be imported into your GPS. Contact us for info
- Garmin Waypoint Format convert from – GPX, ADM, GDB, XML, TXT, MPS to or from most GPS formats
- Humminbird Waypoint Format convert from – HWR, GPX, to most GPS formats
- Simrad Waypoint Formats from many GPS brands to the Simrad GPS Format
- Furuno Waypoint Formats – We can convert certain file formats to work with your Furuno TZ/TZ Touch
- Raymarine Waypoint Format convert from FSH, RWF, GPX and other GPS formats
- Magellan Waypoint Format convert from LOG, RTE, UPT, TXT, GPX to/from most GPS formats
- Google Earth Waypoint Format convert from KMZ, KML, LOC, GDB, MPS, NWEA, LOG, WPT, PLT, UXC, RTE, UPT to or from most GPS formats.
For questions about having your waypoint files and waypoint conversion to another GPS brand/format, please contact us here and include all contact and GPS information. Thank you!